Dr. Andrea Palermo is an endocrinologist/diabetologist at University Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy.
He graduated cum laude in July 2006 from University Campus Bio-Medico where he earned his M.D. Afterwards, he attended a residency program in Endocrinology and Metabolism at University Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy. During his specialisation, he combined his clinical training as a diabetologist with the study of novel non-injectable insulin formulations such as the buccal spray insulin.
Successively, he began his PhD course in the field of Endocrinology at the same institution. During this time, he established the basis for his future research. In particular, he focused his research interests on calcium and bone metabolism, investigating new diagnostics and therapeutic aspects of clinical and subclinical forms of parathyroid glands diseases.
During his PhD programme, he also attended The Academic Unit of Bone Metabolism (Sheffield, UK) directed by Prof Richard Eastell where he successfully studied the normocalcemic Hypoparathyroidism and its potential genetic impairment.
He has won awards for his research at national and international meetings. Most recently, he received the young investigator award from the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research (2017).
His research interests also include: PTH replacement therapy for hypoparathyroidism; normocalcemic hyperparathyroidism; Osteoporosis; thyroid cancer.
- 18/10/2013Best Abstract at national congress SIOMMMS : “Pioglitazone downregulates osteoclasts bone resorption in the process of bone metastasis and induces phenotypical changes towards adipogenic lineage in human PC - 3 cell lines
- 21/10/2016Best abstract at national congress SIOMMMS : “ PTH(1 - 34) for the primary prevention of post - thyroidectomy hypocalcemia: the THYPOS TRIAL
- 01/01/20172017 Early Investigators Award by Endocrine Society
- 01/01/20172017 ASBMR Young Investigator Award
- 19/10/2018National congress SIOMMMS 2018 (Napoli, Italy). Award for the best Poster: “Irisin in post-menopausal women with primary Hyperparathyroidism: a new interplay between Irisin and PTH”.
- 19/10/2018National congress SIOMMMS 2018 (Napoli, Italy). Award for the best abstract: “Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy as a new complication of chronic hypoparathyroidism”.
- 01/03/2020Nominated by Italian Society of Endocrinology to participate to Global Leadership Academy (2020) hosted by Endocrine Society to bring together emerging leaders from the endocrine research and clinical communities to foster networking and collaboration
- 16/05/2020Iain T Boyle Award 2020 (Marseille 2020) hosted by European Calfied Tissue Society (ECTS) for young scientists who have made significant progress and contribution to the field of bone and calcified tissue.
- 01/01/2010PRIN 2010 - 2011 by Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scie ntifica (2013 - 2016) . Role: Sub - investigator
- 13/05/2016Grant (25.000 Euros ) by Diabete Ricerca Onlus (SID). Project Title: “Evaluation of bone strength and WnT p athway in Obese subjects” . Role: p rincipal Investigator
- 19/05/2017Pancreatic β - cell identity, glucose sensing and the control of insulin secretion”, PRIN 2017 - 2020 , Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica. Role: Sub - investigator
- 01/02/2018Bando ricerca finalizzata 2018 by Ministero della salute. Project Title: “ Raman spectroscopy as an innovative tool to improve diagnosis of thyroid cancer and reduce unnecessary surgery ”. Role: Co - Principal Investigator under 40 yrs
- 01/02/2019 National Competitive Grant program in Nephrology ( 201 9) by Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN). Project Title: “ Bone material strength, Fractures and CKD.MBD ” . Role: Co - Principal Investigator
- 01/01/2019Competitive Grant program in “Aging and frailty” by Fondazione Alberto Sordi . Project Title: “ The role of vitamin D and circadian rhythm alterations in neurodegenerative diseases: a clinical and biological study on Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases . Rol e: Co - Principal Investigator
- 01/06/2019Grant (150.000) Competitive Grant program in “Bone Research” sponsored by AMGEN. Project Title: “Bone material strength and fracture risk in subjects with end stage chronic kidney disease on dialysis. Role: Principal Investigator.
List of invited presentations
- 13/10/2018National congress SIOMMMS 2018 (Napoli, Italy). Oral presentation Palermo A: “Microindentation as new tool to evaluate bone quality”
- 10/11/20186Th Sloveninan Congress od Endocrinology 2018 (Bled, Slovenia). Oral presentation Palermo A: “New treatments for Chronic Hypoparathyroidism”
- 03/11/2018AME-AACE international meeting 2018. Oral presentation Palermo A “ Bone-Muscle- Fat cross-talk”
- 18/05/2019ECTS (Budapest). Plenary Lecture: “Secondary Endocrine Osteoporosis”
- 01/10/2019National Rumanian Society of Osteoporosis (Bucarest). Plenary Lecture:“Novelties in Hypoparathyroidism and Primary Hyperparathyroidism”
List of 5 Best Publications
- Novel interplay between irisin and PTH: from basic studies to clinical evidence in hyperparathyroidism.
- Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy as a New Complication of Postsurgical Chronic Hypoparathyroidism
- Raman Spectroscopy Applied to Parathyroid Tissues: A New Diagnostic Tool to Discriminate Normal Tissue from Adenoma.
- PTH(1-34) for Surgical Hypoparathyroidism: A 2-Year Prospective, Open-Label Investigation of Efficacy and Quality of Life.
- PTH(1-34) for the Primary Prevention of Postthyroidectomy Hypocalcemia: The THYPOS Trial.