Academic Title: MD, PhD Professor of Rheumatology
First Name: Julien
Last Name: Paccou
Member Since: 2016
City: Lille, France
Institution: Lille University Hospital, France


Professor of Rheumatology at Lille University Hospital, France. He received his MD from Lille University Hospital in 2008. He has prepared and obtained his PhD thesis in 2013 on Vascular Calcification in Rheumatoid Arthritis in the INSERM U1088 laboratory at Amiens University Hospital, France. Then, he completed his postdoctoral fellowship in 2014 at the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton, UK under the supervision of Professor Cyrus Cooper.

His recent research has examined Vascular Calcification in Rheumatoid Arthritis. In a review recently published in JCEM, Pr Paccou and colleagues describe the role of the Bone Marrow Fat in Skeletal Health. One of his current projects is assessing body composition changes under ustekinumab among patients with psoriatic arthritis.

Further, Pr Paccou would like to initiate a research project evaluating the bone marrow fat content in postmenopausal women with and without fragility fracture.

List of 5 Best Publications


- Favorite Cell: Osteocyte
- Favorite Protein: Sclerostin
- Best technical skill: HRpQCT
- Best knowledge: Fat and bone
- Hated technique: Cell culture
- Research goal: Relationship between bone marrow fat and fragility fractures
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- Favorite dish: gombo
- Favorite place to live: Lille
- Best sport skill: gym
- Free time activity: Family
- Favorite quote: you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink