Academic Title: MD PhD
First Name: Liesbeth
Last Name: Winter
Academic Degree: PhD
Member Since: May 2019
City: Leiden
Institution: Division of Endocrinology, and Center for Bone Quality, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), the Netherlands


Liesbeth studied medicine in Leiden, the Netherlands, where she obtained her MD degree in 2004. She performed a PhD within the field of Embryology (2009), after which she started her Residency in Internal Medicine followed by a Fellowship in Endocrinology. In 2017 she started with an academic position as internist-endocrinologist (Board certified) at the Leiden University Medical Center, Centre for Bone Quality. She has a special focus on metabolic bone diseases, calcium/phosphate disturbances and (complex) osteoporosis. She actively participates in various supervision and teaching tasks, as well as clinical studies.

Particular research interests:
1. Circadian rhythm of bone.
She studies the effect of circadian rhythm disturbances on bone, the effects of endogenous and pharmacological glucocorticoids on the circadian rhythm of bone, and whether these disturbances can be prevented/reversed.
2. Patient empowerment/patient centered outcomes.
Value based healthcare trajectory for osteoporosis, for which a patient relevant outcome set was developed. She is involved in clinical studies that focus on disease coping, quality of life and pain in metabolic bone diseases and hyperparathyroidism.
3. Novel diagnostic approaches in osteoporosis.
Impact Microindentation Technique, which is incorporated in her daily practice, with involvement in the Centers’ dedicated studies


  • 10/07/2019ASBMR Travel Grant
  • 08/05/2019ECTS/UCB 2019 SCHOLARSHIP
  • 02/04/2019ESE Basic Science Meeting Grant
  • 20/04/2016Price for best oral presentation Dutch Academy of Internal Medicine
  • 22/04/2009Price for best oral presentation, Dutch Society for Anatomy, 2009
  • 01/09/2008Travel Grant, European Society of Cardiology
  • 01/08/2008Travel Grant, van Walree Fund
  • 03/09/2006Young Investigator Award Basic Science, European Society of Cardiology (World Congress)
  • 02/09/2006Travel Grant, European Society of Cardiology


  • 11/05/2017Elise Mathilde Fund / Leiden University Fund. Rational corticosteroid therapy: prevention of side effects on bone
  • 01/11/2019Dutch Arthritis Society

List of invited presentations

  • 03/09/2007European Society of Cardiology, Science Hot Line Session (Vienna, Austria), lecture entitled Human adult epicardium-derived cells improve left ventricular function of the infarcted heart after a definitive scar has been formed
  • 08/11/2008American Heart Association Congress (New Orleans, USA), lecture entitled ‘Human Adult Epicardium-Derived Cells and their Potential in the Infarcted Adult Heart’
  • 15/12/2017National Osteoporosis Lesson (Utrecht, the Netherlands), lecture entitled ‘Update on Rare Bone Diseases’
  • 24/11/2017Erasmus National Endocrinology Course (Rotterdam, the Netherlands), lecture entitled ‘Perspectives on Chronic Hypoparathyroidism’
  • 08/12/2017International IBD congress (Rotterdam, the Netherlands), lecture entitled ‘IBD and Osteoporosis’
  • 24/11/2017NERASS congress (Woerden, the Netherlands), lecture entitled ‘Osteonecrosis and Paget’s Disease of Bone’
  • 11/04/2018Interdisciplinary Working Group Osteoporosis (Utrecht, the Netherlands), lecture entitled ‘Rare Metabolic Bone Diseases’
  • 11/03/2019National Pediatric Rheumatology Meeting (Utrecht, the Netherlands), lecture on Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis and Bisphosphonates
  • 17/04/2019National Working Group Osteoporosis (Utrecht, the Netherlands), workshop on VBHC in Osteoporosis
  • 02/05/2019ICHOM international conference (Rotterdam, the Netherlands), presentation on VBHC in Osteoporosis together with Amgen the Netherlands
  • 21/05/2019European Society of Endocrinology (Lyon, France), lecture entitled ‘Vitamin D and its metabolites’

List of oral presentations

  • 13/05/2019ECTS: Jet lag affects bone turnover
  • 21/05/2019ECE: Weekly shifts in light-dark cycle disrupt circadian clock gene expression in bone, and reduce bone turnover


- Year Of Promotion: 2009
- Areas Of Expertise: Clinical Medicine, Clinical Trials, Endocrinology, Osteoporosis, Paget's, Rare Bone Diseases, and Translational Medicine
- Favorite Cell: osteoblast
- Favorite Protein: P1NP
- Best technical skill: immunohistochemistry
- Best knowledge: Clinical Endocrinology
- Hated technique: Animal surgery
- Research goal: To unravel the impact of circadian rhythm on bone quality and its dependence on endogenous glucocorticoids
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- Favorite dish: soup
- Favorite place to live: the mountains
- Best sport skill: running
- Worst performance: cooking
- Free time activity: clarinet playing and mountaineering
- Favorite quote: non scholae sed vitae discimus