Academic Title: Professor
First Name: Martina
Last Name: Rauner
Academic Degree: PhD
Member Since: 2016 (Founding member)
City: Dresden, Germany
Institution: Technische Universität Dresden


Martina Rauner studied biotechnology at the University of Applied Sciences in Vienna, Austria from 2002-2006. After completing her doctorate at the Department of Pathophysiology at the Medical University of Vienna in 2008, she received the ECTS/AMGEN bone research fellowship and joined the group of Professor Lorenz Hofbauer in Dresden, Germany to study mechanisms of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. In 2011, Martina became Group leader for Osteoimmunology and expanded her research area to chronic inflammatory diseases and Wnt signaling. Due to her comprehensive knowledge on bone biology, its interactions with other organ systems, and her leadership skills, she was promoted to the Scientific Director of the Bone lab in 2015 and became Professor for Molecular Bone Biology in 2018. Currently, her group is particularly interested in the interactions of bone with hematopoiesis, the immune system, and hormones (glucocorticoids, erythropoietin, and thyroid hormones), and studies the role of Wnt and BMP signaling.

Martina has published over 100 publications in the field of bone biology and has received several awards for her work. Moreover, she is on the board of the European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS), has promoted the needs of New Investigators in that society, and is a founding member of the ECTS Academy, a group of outstanding young scientists in the musculoskeletal field.


  • ASBMR Fuller Albright Award
  • Eva Luise Köhler Prize for Rare Diseases


  • FIDELIO - EU-ITN (Mechanisms of Diabetic Bone Disease)
  • DFG - µBone (Mechanisms of Bone Metastasis)

List of 5 Best Publications

  • Developmental origin, functional maintenance, and genetic rescue of osteoclasts.Jacome-Galarza CE, Percin GI, Muller JT, Mass E, Lazarov T, Eitler J, Rauner M, Yadav VK, Crozet L, Bohm M, Loyher PL, Karsenty G, Waskow C, Geissman F
  • Transferrin receptor 2 controls bone mass and pathological bone formation via BMP and Wnt signaling. Rauner M*, Baschant U*, Roetto A, Pellegrino RM, Rother S, Salbach-Hirsch J, Weidner H, Hintze V, Campbell G, Petzold A, Lemaitre R, Henry I, Bellido T, Theurl I, Altamura S, Colucci S, Muckenthaler MU, Schett G, Komla Ebri D, Bassett JHC, Williams GR, Platzbecker U, Hofbauer LC
  • Thy-1 (CD90) promotes bone formation and protects against obesity.Picke AK, Campbell GM, Blühler M, Krügel U, Schmidt FN, Tsourdi E, Winzer M, Rauner M, Vukicevic V, Busse B, Salbach-Hirsch J, Tuckermann JP, Simon JC, Anderegg U, Hofbauer LC, Saalbach A
  • Postnatal skeletal deletion of Dickkopf-1 increases bone formation and bone volume in male and female mice, despite increased sclerostin expression.Colditz J, Thiele S, Baschant U, Niehrs C, Bonewald LF, Hofbauer LC, Rauner M
  • Increased EPO levels are associated with bone loss in mice lacking PHD2 in EPO-producing cells. Rauner M, Franke K, Murray M, Singh RP, Hiram-Bab S, Platzbecker U, Gassmann M, Socolovsky M, Neumann D, Gabet Y, T Chavakis, Hofbauer LC, Wielockx B


- Areas Of Expertise: Ageing, Endocrinology, Histomorphometry, In Vivo Models, Molecular Biology, Pathology, Physiology, and Rare Bone Diseases
- Favorite statistical software: G*Power
- Favorite research database: Pubmed
- Favorite technique: µCT
- Favorite Cell: Osteoblast
- Favorite Protein: Wnt and BMP signaling
- Best technical skill: Bone phenotyping
- Best knowledge: Crosstalk of bone with hematopoietic/immune cells
- Hated technique: HPLC
- Research goal: To make a discovery that will someday translate into a therapy for patients
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- Favorite dish: Austrian cakes/desserts
- Favorite place to live: Central Europe
- Best sport skill: (Beach)Volleyball
- Worst performance: fitness center – so boring!
- Free time activity: (Beach)volleyball, hiking, watching TV series
- Favorite quote: Don’t find fault; find a remedy. (Henry Ford)