First Name: Melanie
Last Name: Haffner-Luntzer
Member Since: May 2018
City: Ulm


Melanie Haffner-Luntzer is a Principal Investigator in the Institute of Orthopaedic Research and Biomechanics at the University of Ulm. In March 2015, she finished her PhD thesis with the topic “The Role of Midkine During Fracture Healing” under the supervision of Anita Ignatius.

Her research focuses on molecular mechanisms involved in fracture healing, bone homeostasis and osteoporosis. She is especially interested in the pathomechanisms of delayed bone regeneration in patients with comorbidities like osteoporosis or mental pathologies.

She is a member of the ECTS, the Orthopaedic Research Society, the European Society for Biomechanics, the AO Foundation, the German Society for Trauma Surgery and the German Society for Biomechanics. In 2017, she was elected as a member of the communication committee from the ORS International Section for Fracture Repair.

In 2014, she received the Wilhelm-Roux Award for her work investigating the influence of Midkine-deficiency on fracture healing. In 2016, she was awarded with the prestigious “Best Basic Research Award” from the German Society of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery. In 2018, she received the New Investigators Recognition Award from the ORS.

List of 5 Best Publications

  • Chronic psychosocial stress compromises the immune response and endochondral ossification in bone fracture healing via β-AR signalingHaffner-Luntzer M*, Foertsch S*, Fischer V, Prystaz K, Tschaffon M, Moedinger Y, Bahney CS, Marcucio RS, Miclau T, Ignatius A, Reber SO.
  • Estrogen receptor α- (ERα), but not ERβ-signaling, is crucially involved in mechanostimulation of bone fracture healing by whole-body vibration.Haffner-Luntzer M, Kovtun A, Lackner I, Mödinger Y, Hacker S, Liedert A, Tuckermann J, Ignatius A.
  • Influence of Menopause on Inflammatory Cytokines during Murine and Human Bone Fracture Healing. Fischer V, Kalbitz M, Müller-Graf F, Gebhard F, Ignatius A, Liedert A, Haffner-Luntzer M.
  • Loss of p53 compensates osteopenia in murine Mysm1 deficiency.Haffner-Luntzer M, Kovtun A, Fischer V, Prystaz K, Hainzl A, Kroeger CM, Krikki I, Brinker TJ, Ignatius A, Gatzka M.
  • Antagonizing midkine accelerates fracture healing in mice by enhanced bone formation in the fracture callus.Haffner-Luntzer M, Heilmann A, Rapp AE, Roessler R, Schinke T, Amling M, Ignatius A, Liedert A.


- Areas Of Expertise: biomechanics, Histology, Histomorphometry, In Vivo Models, Molecular Biology, Osteoporosis, and Translational Medicine
- Favorite Cell: Chondrocyte
- Favorite Protein: Estrogen
- Best technical skill: Mouse surgery
- Best knowledge: Bone healing
- Hated technique: Western blotting
- Research goal: Develop new treatment strategies to prevent delayed fracture healing in patients with comorbidities.
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- Favorite dish: Crispy duck breast
- Favorite place to live: Augsburg
- Best sport skill: Skiing, dancing
- Worst performance: Singing
- Free time activity: Gardening
- Favorite quote: Persönlichkeiten werden nicht durch schöne Reden geformt, sondern durch Arbeit und eigene Leistung. – Personalities are not formed by nice talks but by hard work and own accomplishments. (Albert Einstein)