First Name: Morten
Last Name: Frost
Member Since: May 2020
City: Odense


I studied medicine in Odense, Denmark, and I received my PhD on Osteoporosis in Men in 2010. I then pursued part-time clinical training in endocrinology and postdoctoral training in the integration of glucose and bone metabolism.

In my current position as an endocrinologist and associate professor, I take care of patients of patients with bone and calcium metabolic conditions and conduct clinical and translational research in metabolic bone diseases including rare bone diseases. I am coordinating national treatment guidelines on osteoporosis in men and women, and I am heading the expert committee that assesses new medicines used to treat calcium and bone diseases in Denmark.

Our research group focuses on studies of the integration of bone and whole body metabolism, and we accomplish our goals by combining clinical and mechanistic research methodologies.

Currently, we investigate impact of changes in bone formation due to changes in Wnt-signalling on glucose homeostasis in humans, characteristics of bone tissue and bone cells in patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes as well as the impact of incretin hormones on bone cells and bone remodelling in humans.


- Favorite Cell: Can’t honestly say that I have one
- Favorite Protein: LRP5
- Best technical skill: Clinical trials
- Best knowledge: Incretin hormones and bone
- Hated technique: Anything that involves administrative activities
- Research goal: Understand the interaction between bone and whole body metabolism in humans.
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- Favorite dish: Steak tartare with French fries
- Favorite place to live: I am a more of a globalist
- Best sport skill: Running
- Worst performance: Sports that demand coordination of my arms and legs
- Free time activity: Food, wine, reading, hiking, running, more food
- Favorite quote: In wine there's truth