First Name: Nerea
Last Name: Alonso Lopez
Member Since: 2008
City: Edinburgh


Nerea Alonso received her PhD in Cancer Biology and Clinical studies at the University of Salamanca, Spain, in 2008.

Her PhD research focused on the molecular analysis of patients with Gorlin syndrome, a rare disease involving developmental alterations and basal cell carcinomas. Then, she moved to Edinburgh, UK, to join the Rheumatology and Bone Disease Unit as a postdoctoral research fellow, working on the characterisation of a model for Paget’s disease of bone.

During her second postdoc at the same laboratory, she had lead a collaborative effort to identify genetic variants predisposing to clinical vertebral fractures in patients with osteoporosis, within the GEFOS international consortium.

She has recently been awarded a grant from the Scottish Chief Scientific Office to perform genetic profiling to predict the response to treatment in patients with severe osteoporosis. Since 2016, her role as postdoctoral research fellow is combined with laboratory management.

She has been awarded the ECTS New Investigator Award, as well as other prizes at international conferences.

She is currently the roving director of the Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK, an idependent organization aiming to develop at social and professional network of researchers in UK, bring science to the general public, serve as scientific advisors and build bridges for collaboration between Spain and UK.

List of 5 Best Publications


- Favorite Cell: Osteoblast
- Favorite Protein: CXCR4
- Best technical skill: GWAS
- Best knowledge: Genetics of osteoporosis
- Research goal: Identify genetic determinants involved in drug response in patients with osteoporosis
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- Favorite dish: Spanish tapas
- Favorite place to live: Vancouver
- Best sport skill: hiking
- Worst performance: anything related to music (singing, dancing…)
- Free time activity: Read and travel
- Favorite quote: The difference between the difficult and the impossible is that the impossible takes a little longer time (Ishbel Hamilton-Gordon, Lady Aberdeen)