Academic Title: PhD
First Name: Nicolas
Last Name: Bonnet
Member Since: 2016 (Founding member)
City: GENEVA (Switzerland)
Institution: University of Orleans


Dr. Bonnet received his PhD degree from the University of Orleans, France, in 2006, after which he has been working as a post-doctoral fellow in the group of Prof. S Ferrari at the research laboratory of the Division of Bone Diseases, in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr Bonnet has a keen interest in the molecular and signaling mechanisms for skeleton mechanotransduction. He has been promoted senior lecturer and received is privat docent by the faculty of medicine of Geneva where he is pursuing his academic development. S

ince few years, I am fascinated by the capacity of the bone tissue to interact with the other tissue and to its amazing ability to adapt both its quantity and quality. Bone is a real dynamic and endocrine organ and not only in calcium and phosphate homeostasis. We and other have hypothesised and demonstrated that bone tissue secretes different osteokine able to impact glucose homeostasis through the control of the skeletal muscle, liver, fat and pancreas function.

However, we are at the beginning of the story and we need to discover all the osteokine involved in glucose homeostasis and to understand how they are regulated. I hope to be able to pursue my line of research which has always been dedicated to one goal: improve osteoporotic and diabetic patients care.

For that reason our current plans are to improve:

- prevention: investigating life style effects (nutrition and exercise),

- diagnostic: we are currently developing a new biomarker of bone quality involved in fragile bone of diabetic patients,

- treatment: we still miss safe and efficient molecules to better control glucose homeostasis and bone strength.


  • 01/12/20161st Winner 2016 innovation of the University Geneva Hospital for the development of a new ELISA assay
  • 02/05/2017ESCEO-Eli Lilly Scholarship
  • 03/05/2018Alex Muller de physiopathologie Clinique
  • 24/05/2018Viollier

List of invited presentations

List of oral presentations

List of 5 Best Publications


- Areas Of Expertise: Ageing, Bone Strength, Computer Tomography, Extracellular Matrix, Histomorphometry, In Vivo Models, Muscle, Osteoporosis, Physical Activity, Physiology, Translational Medicine, and Energy Metabolism
- Favorite statistical software: MedCal
- Favorite research database: Pubmed
- Favorite technique: MicroCT
- Favorite Cell: Osteocyte
- Favorite Protein: Periostin
- Best technical skill: Histology
- Best knowledge: Crosstalk between fat & bone and bone mechanotransduction
- Hated technique: Western blot
- Research goal: Improve osteoporotic and diabetic patients care through identification of new osteokine able to control glucose homeostasis and improve bone strength
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- Favorite dish: Nicoise stuffed vegetables + Château Simone ;-)
- Favorite place to live: Italy
- Best sport skill: Running, basketball
- Worst performance: dancing
- Free time activity: Stroll in the mountains, Swimming in lake
- Favorite quote: Always aim for the moon, even if you miss it, you'll land among the stars (O. Wilde)